Friday, September 4, 2009

Random pictures

Our little man has had a mullet since he was born. I can't bring myself to cut his hair because I keep waiting for him to rub it off in the back. It's kind of hard to see here but it's funny because his hair totally falls over his collar.

What a grown up boy huh. We had a dinner to go to so I dressed him in his jeans (before he grows out of them) and this shirt and he looked so grown up.

He all ready likes the T.V. !?!?!? A little hard to tell but he is completely fixated on the tv and always does this when I'm changing his diaper in the living room. I'm sure it's the flashing lights and colors that draws him in but pretty sad he all ready likes it and isn't even 3 months old. Good short-term babysitter........

Paul has been working so much this last month that he hardly has been able to spend time with us because we are usually in bed by the time he is able to get home. This day he came home and fell asleep in minutes while laying by the baby, McKades face is funny looking at him. It's almost over and they will get to spend more time together when I go back to work and Paul will be watching him until I get back home.

Tummy time..... McKade hates tummy time when I put him flat on the floor and just gets pissed and drools on the floor. I find that he does better with the boppy and will try to push his upper body up off the pillow. He is so much fun and such a happy baby just smiling all the time.

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